MFA Agri Services of Iowa – Corydon, Leon and Lineville.



MFA Agri Services: Tariff & Grain services  09/30/24 1:54:28 PM

 Highlights of current tariff as of 9/10/2024

Open storage: including conditioning and insurance; Corn and Soybeans- 10 free days per load, then a minimum storage charge of 24 cents per bushel fro the first 120 days; thereafter 6.0 cents per calendar month until June 30; thereafter all storage will either need to be priced or rolled to an NPE (no price establish) or Basis contract….Wheat, Milo, and Oats will be handled on contracts only, no storage available at local locations for those grain
Shrinkage corn: Due to drying is for the account of depositor at a rate of 1.8% for each point above 15.5%
Drying Charges: see posted rates
Grain bank storage: Grain deposited solely for the purpose of redelivery as ground feeds. Storage charge: minimum fee of 24.0 cents per bushel and then 6.0 cents per bushel per month, out charge will be normal grinding rates. Such grain must be grade #2 or better, except for moisture, which cannot be over 15.5%. If in excess of specified moisture, it will be dried shrunk down at regular drying charges to be paid by the depositor. All overdrafts to be charged to patron at retail prices at time of delivery.
For additional detail information please call us for the up to date NPE rates for commodities
Lineville 641-876-2373 or Corydon 641-872-2686 
Grain Services

Growing your crop is only half of your business success; the other half is successfully marketing your grain.
At MFA, we know that your grain marketing decisions affect the success of your farming operation. That is why we offer real time markets and information; plus a variety of contracts to provide you with the most profitable and flexible contracting options to maximize your crop investment with elevators located at Corydon and Lineville, we are here to serve you.

MFA grain services include:

**Grain drying
**Grain storage programs
**Transportation off-farm
**Marketing assistance
**Daily grain bids
MFA offers these grain marketing tools and opportunities

**Offer contracts
**Cash grain sales and purchases
**Forward contracting
**Minimum-price contracts
**No Priced established contracts
**Deferred payment contracts
**Open Basis contracts
**Close Basis Contracts
For more information contact
Jim Veraguth, District 2 Manager
Jonathan Shields, Corydon Manager
Tyson Stark, Lineville Manager
Doug Jeanes , Leon Manager


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